Monday, July 4, 2011

Identify the energy suckers in your life!

Identify the energy suckers in your life!

You find them everywhere around you. You decide to do something which you are confidant of doing and you have high energy and enthusiasm. You will find them telling you “this is ridiculous”, “this is impossible”, “this is not going to work”, “don’t waste your time”, “this not your cup of tea”, “you will fail”, “people will laugh at you”, “you are incompetent”, “this is suicidal”, “are you out of your mind”, “this is a good idea but not good enough”, “this is a good idea but not feasible” and so on. As soon as you hear these words, your energy starts to fade, you start losing confidence. They suck your energy with their negativity. They are the energy suckers.

Do not confront with them. Do not waste your time in arguing with them. But do listen to them as that will help you to aware about list of possible risks. List those risks and formulate the mitigation strategy. But do not agree to their words. They are not God.

Maintain your energy, keep your enthusiasm intact, be confidant, have faith in you and keep going on till you succeed.

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