Tuesday, October 18, 2011

विकास दर एक छलावा

फिर से जोरो कि चर्चा है कि बिहार का विकास दर २०११ में भी पहले स्थान पर है. सुनने में अच्छा लगता है

किन्तु यदि गौर से देखे तो ये आंशिक सत्य है. यदि आप रिपोर्ट को ध्यान से देखे तो आप पाएंगे कि:
१. बिहार का योगदान भारत के सकल घरेलु उत्पाद का मात्र २.९१% ही है.
२. १४२०३१ करोड़ के उत्पादन के साथ बिहार १४वें स्थान पर है.
३. चंडीगढ़ का दर १४.७७% जो बिहार से ज्यादा है. उसके पीछे दो वर्ष में सिक्किम का दर बिहार से ज्यादा था और उससे पहले के वर्षों में भी बिहार पहले स्थान पर नहीं था.

मैं हमेशा से लिखता आया हूँ कि कृपया विकास दर पर न जाएँ. यह छलावा हो सकता है. उदहारण के लिए यदि सकल घरेलु उत्पाद १०० से बढ़कर ११२ हो जाये तो विकास दर १२% हो ही जायेगा. और यदि सकल घरेलु उत्पाद १००० से बढ़कर १०१२ हो तो विकास दर होगा १.२%.

इस सन्दर्भ में जानने कि कोशिश करते हैं भारत के शीर्ष कॉलेज के रैंकिंग के प्रक्रिया के बारे में. इस प्रक्रिया में स्थान या क्रम के निर्धारण के लिए दर्जनों पहलुओ पर अंक दिए जाते हैं. इसमें कुछ पहलु प्राथमिक होते हैं और कुछ दुसरे दर्जे के. भारत में एक मैनेजमेंट कॉलेज ऐसा भी है जिसके संचालक अथवा महानायक एक स्वप्रचारित बुद्धिजीवी हैं. साफ़ नाम नहीं लिखूंगा क्योंकि जो उनके खिलाफ लिखता है वो उसपे मानहानि का मुक़दमा ठोक देते हैं. उनका विज्ञापन आता है अनेक प्रचलित समाचार पत्र, पत्रिका, चैनल इत्यादि में जो हर वर्ष कॉलेज को आई आई ऍम और एक्स एल आर आई से भी आगे बताता है. यदि आप गौर से विज्ञापन से देखे तो पाएंगे कि कॉलेज किसी दुसरे दर्जे के पहलु में शीर्ष पर है. आप पाएंगे कि जो मीडिया ये रैंकिंग का सर्वे करता है उन्हें इस कॉलेज से बड़े बड़े विज्ञापन मिलते हैं. तात्पर्य है कि कॉलेज, मीडिया को विज्ञापन देकर वो शीर्ष स्थान खरीद लेता है. बिहार में ऐसा ही हो रहा है.

पिछले पोस्ट में मैंने लिखा था "एक समय था जब बिहार की स्तिथि बद से बदतर होते होते सोमालिया जैसी हो चुकी थी. लोगो ने नितीश को चुना. बिहार की गाड़ी चल पड़ी. हर तरफ विकास दिखने लगा. अगले चुनाव ने नितीश ने आह्वान किया 'निर्माण या विध्वंश, आपके हाथ में है'. जनता ने सर्वमत से निर्माण को चुना. विकास यात्रा जारी है. राज्य सरकार के आंकड़े कम से कम येही बताते हैं. इन्टरनेट, टेलीविजन छोड़िये, पटना के मुख्य मार्ग से उतर कर देखिये, सरकारी कार्यालयों में बिना किसी पैरवी के जा के देखिये, गावं जा कर देखिये. बाढ़, बिजली, भ्रष्ट्राचार जैसी पुरातन समस्याओं की स्तिथि यथावत है. बिहार के साईट पर इकोनोमिक सर्वे रिपोर्ट पढ़िये. लिखा है "If we consider per capita estimates of GDDP, we find that Patna (Rs. 37,737), Munger (Rs. 12,370) and Begusarai (Rs. 10,409) are the most economically prosperous districts of Bihar. On the other end of the ranking, the three most economically underdeveloped districts are Jamui (Rs. 5516), Araria (Rs. 5245) and Sheohar (Rs. 4398)." प्रश्न ये है कि ५०० रूपये प्रति माह घर चलाने के लिए काफी है? ये आधी आबादी का सच है."

जो दीखता है वो होता नहीं. लोगो से अनुरोध है कि आँख मूंद कर विश्वास न कीजिये, बल्कि आत्ममंथन कीजिये. समृद्ध बिहार का स्वप्न आपका भी है और मेरा भी. अपने गावं में पूछिए, गावं का स्कूल कब शुरू था, स्कूल में कितने कमरे हैं और कितने बच्चे. शिक्षा कैसी हो रही है. चिकित्सा का क्या हाल है? बाढ़ का क्या हाल है? आप जानने की कोशिश कीजिये रोजगार, खेती का क्या हाल है? शहरों में अपने दोस्तों से पूछे उनके आस पास सड़क, नाले की क्या स्तिथि है, सड़क के लाइट काम कर रहे या नहीं. कानून व्यस्था एवं मुख्या सड़के अवस्य एक उपलब्धि है इसी लिए कहता हूँ, नीतीशजी से बेहतर विकल्प नहीं है अभी. लोगो से अनुरोध है कि आँख मूंद कर संतुष्ट होने के बजाये मुद्दों को याद दिलाते रहिये. यदि हम चौकस नहीं रहे तो कब पंद्रह वर्ष और बीत जायेंगे पता भी नहीं चलेगा और स्तिथि वही की वही रह जाएगी. हमारे बच्चों को भी वही भोगना पड़ेगा जो हमारी गत है. बिहार सरकार को हमारी शुभकामनाएं और अनुरोध कि समृद्ध बिहार का सपना कोसो दूर है, ढोल पीटने से ज्यादा आवश्यक है वास्तविक कार्य!

Comments from facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/bihar:

Amitabh Jha:
Is Bihar's claim for best GDP growth rate is real? If you see the original report you will find, Bihar is second (after Chandigarh). In previous two years also it was not first, as claimed by Deputy CM. Too much bragging can be sucidal. Read full story at http://revive-bihar.blogspot.com/2011/10/blog-post.html
LikeUnlike · ·Unfollow PostFollow Post · Share · Wednesday at 10:24pm.Manoj Kumar, Himanshu B. Pandey and 3 others like this..

Vijay Shanker:
Amitabh Jha jee, panic hone ki koi baat nahi hai.. Bihar aur chandigarh ke % growth me koi jyada fark nahi hai. Agar hum first nahi second hi hai to kya huaa? 14% growth apne aap me bahut badi baat hai jab recession and inflation joro par hai to. Wiase Bihar ki earning (142031 Crore) Chnadigarh (15754 Crore) se jyada hai 2010-2011 me. Mai waise economics jyada nahi janta. Agar mujhe samjhane me kuchh lagati huyi hogi to sudhar karne ka kashht jarenge aap.
Wednesday at 11:21pm · LikeUnlike · 4 peopleLoading....

Madhav Srimohan:
Bihar is a 'state' with highest growth. Here we have a govt. which rules everything. Here we have taxes of various kind. Chandigarh doesn't have these at least.
Yesterday at 4:46am · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleLoading....

Rajesh Kumar:
chandigarh is a union territory whereas bihar is a state.. both have different structures... so we should not compare them.. we must compare among states and there bihar is at the top.!!!
Yesterday at 7:11am · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleLoading....

Rahul Kumar: amitabh ji u missed one word in ur first line the word "state" and the claim made by deputy CM is for state. look like u r deliberately trying to defame Bihar.
Yesterday at 7:34am · LikeUnlike · 2 peopleLoading....

Amitabh Jha:
If you read the blog post you find that I have insisted on GDP rather than illusive gdp rate. Actual GDP matters, not the rate. There we stand still on 14th place. Our contribution is 2.91% of India's GDP. Claiming to be on top based of GDP rate is propaganda to fool people. It something like out of team score of 487 you score 14 and topper scores 77 and your place is 14th. Now you say that last year I scored 12 and topper 70 so your improvement rate is 14% and topper rate is 10%. So you are topper. Of course your are that way, but is that real? Chandigarh is a UT indeed but if you account area and resources. What about Last two years? Sikkim is state, so DCM's claim is false. But again we can comeup with anotherset of funny parameters to support his claim. On humour note if DCM claims on the basis of gdp rae then he should be thankful to previous regime who set the gdp so low that we are getting higher gdp rate.
Yesterday at 8:38am · LikeUnlike.Rajesh Kumar of course since our gcd is very poor hence the growth rate is high.. but rather than being critical we must be encouraging govt for taking it to higher level at a fast rate... imagine if the rate of growth is also very poor we can't stand any where in years to come...so plz do not discourage people if u can't encourage them.. hope u get it.
Yesterday at 8:45am · LikeUnlike · 2 peopleLoading....

धनंजय कुमार:
असंतोष जताना और सामने वाले की खामखाह आलोचना करना, ज्यादातर लोगों की आदत बन गई है. बिहार के सन्दर्भ में यह खूब देखा जा सकता है. बिहार में हो रहा बदलाव, बदलाव-विकास के आंकड़े सब झूठे, मैनीपुलेटेड और बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर, पत्रकारों को खिला-पिलाकर लिखवाए गए लगते हैं. इसमें कोई दो राय नहीं कि बिहार में सबकुछ अभी ठीक नहीं हो गया है. अभी बहुत कुछ किया जाना शेष है. बहुत से लोगों को प्रशासनिक स्तर की शिकायत है कि घुसखोरी सरकारी दफ्तरों में बढ़ गई है....लेकिन इस आधार पर विकास का सही आकलन नहीं किया जा सकता...आपकी शिकायत प्रशासन से जुडी है, मगर विकास का संबन्ध शासन से है. कृपया घालमेल न करें...व्यवस्था को पारदर्शी बनाना जनतंत्र में सरकार की बाध्यता है, सेवा में कमी के लिए जनता संबन्धित विभाग अथवा कर्मचारी से सीधे निबट सकती है. नीतीश जी ने व्यवस्था में कई बदलाव कर प्रशासन को जनता के प्रति जवाबदेह बनाने के कई प्रयास किए हैं. सेवा का अधिकार का कानून बनाना (राइट टू सर्विस एक्ट), इसी दिशा में सुधार लाने का प्रयास है. अब कुछ काम जनता को भी करना होगा. सारी जिम्मेदारी सरकार पर नहीं डाल सकते. ग्राम कचहरी को मजबूत करने की दिशा में भी नीतीश जी ने कई ठोस व्यवस्था लागू की है- न्याय मित्र के पद का सृजन और सरपंच को छोटे-मोटे झगड़ों को निबटाने का अधिकार देना भी उसी दिशा की एक जनतांत्रिक व्यवस्था है.
पूरी तरह से ध्वस्त हुई व्यवस्था को फिर से खड़ा करना, वह भी उन्हीं अफसरों और उसी सोच की जनता के साथ मज़ाक नहीं है. अपराध से लेकर अस्पताल तक में बदलाव आया है. सड़कों की स्थिति बदली है.
और सबसे बड़ी बात है सरकार के मुखिया की नीयत का फर्क. नीतीश जी विकास करने की मंशा से काम कर रहे हैं, बिहार की जनता को अच्छा शासन-प्रशासन मिले इस दिशा में लगातार पहल कर रहे हैं. यह अपने आप में बदलाव का सबूत है. बिजली का अभाव सिर्फ बिहार सरकार के दम पर समाप्त नहीं किया जा सकता. केन्द्र सरकार की कार्यप्रणाली और बिहार के प्रति उपेक्षा भाव से नीतीश जी अच्छी तरह परिचित हैं, इसलिए इंडस्ट्री के बजाय वह खेती पर फोकस कर रहे हैं. लेकिन खेती करने का काम अफसर नहीं कर सकते, यह किसानों को ही करना होगा. जबकि बिहार के लोगों, खासकर युवाओं में खेती के प्रति कैसी और कितनी दिलचस्पी है,यह बताने की ज़रूरत नहीं कि हर कोई ऑफिस में एसी का मज़ा लेते हुए जीवन गुजारना चाहता है, जबकि खेती का काम कड़ी धूप और कड़कती ठंढ में ही संभव है. आप कह सकते हैं खेती जिस दिन कारोबार बन जाएगी, लोग खेती करने लगेंगे. मगर कहना आसान है, इसके लिए सिर्फ सरकार के प्रयास से काम नहीं चलेगा, बिहार के युवाओं को भी नई दृष्टि के साथ खेती से जुड़ना होगा. बिहार सरकार ने अपराध पर नियंत्रण कर बिहार की प्रतिभाओं को रोकने का जो काम किया है, वह कम बड़ा काम नहीं है. आनेवाले पाँच-सात वर्षों में इसका सकारात्मक असर दिखेगा.
बिहार के पुनर्निर्माण को लेकर 2003 में मुम्बई में गठित संस्था ‘ आँगन सोशिओ कल्चरल ऑर्गेनाइजेशन’ इस नवम्बर से गाँव को आत्मनिर्भर बनाने के मिशन के साथ बिहार आ रही है, यह भी बिहार के बदल रहे परिदृष्य का ही द्योतक है. आँगन ने इसके लिए नालन्दा ज़िले के बिन्द गाँव को चुना है. किसी को देखना हो तो वह अगले साल जनवरी में वह बिन्द आ सकते हैं. उनका स्वागत है. दोस्तों सिर्फ शिकायत करने कहीं बदलाव नहीं आता, हमें भी अच्छी नीयत के साथ काम करना होगा.
Yesterday at 8:53am · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleLoading....

Rajesh Kumar:
‎Amitabh Jha and on ur insistence i went through the chart... u r contradicting ur point itself... look at the gdp of sikkim(3642) its almost 2% of bihar (142031)... why r u so happy in showing their growth rate??? in fact ucan look at the gdp of chndigrh (15754) its 10% of the gdp of bihar... so better keep ur facts straight first... look lite u r thankful to the previous govt for what they did to bihar...!!
Yesterday at 8:54am · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleLoading....

धनंजय कुमार:
actually he needs laluraj...
Yesterday at 9:59am · LikeUnlike.

Vijay Shanker: ‎
Amitabh Jha, we do understand the logic and maths what u have given in ur second comment. But the reality and truth are - Bihar`s growth is in better situation than Lalu/Rabri Raj. No one is making people fool. You, I and many understand those things. For me it is not important that Bihar should have highest growth rate. But main thing is - we are improving and we should keep the pace plus we should accelerate the pace. In every sector, this happens, that data which gives better look and importance is promoted. What do you think - companies, other countries do not do that? There are different ways of expression of findings and people chose the best suitable one. If DCM says we have highest, GDP among all states, that's fine. If you are not satisfied with the Govt performances, then why do not you try to improve the system by giving proper suggestion along with criticism?
Yesterday at 12:26pm · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleLoading....Kishori Prasad Mr.Amitabh Jha ,May be your figures are correct but if you see it shows progress and you never underestimate your bihar we definitely achieve the golden era kyunki ant hi nai surubat ki kiran hai and present govt taking bihar in right direction.
Yesterday at 1:51pm · LikeUnlike · 2 peopleLoading....

Sumeet Jha:
Amitabh Jhaji......It took 33 years for China post economic liberalisation of there country to become world's second largest economy in terms of nominal value of GDP and not on the Purchasing Power parity basis.I agree to it that Bihar's share to national GDP is around 3% but there are some clauses attach to it.If Bihar has grown in Nitish Kumar's tenure with a small economic base that doesn't mean other states economic growth is at standstill.So the other state's contribution to National GDP is nullifying Bihar's economic growth and it's share to National GDP.The simple mathematics is if other states stop growing in economic size then definetly Bihar's contribution to National GDP share would had been increased at much more faster rate.
Yesterday at 5:18pm · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleLoading....

Yesterday at 5:58pm · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleLoading....

Amitabh Jha:
Thanks all for your kind comments. In these posts I have tried to make a point that Growth rate is an illusion by quoting facts and logic. If you agree with that it is fine otherwise we are free to have different opinions. Any conclusion, bragging or self-complacency on the basis of growth rate should be avoided.
I do try to write constructive suggestions as well in addition to crtiticism and formed an online group called Bihar Revival Forum http://revive-bihar.blogspot.com/2011/02/signature-compaign-for-356-km-long.html ."A Common Dream A Prosperous Bihar": Signature campaign for 356 km long canal in Bihar at Nepal

Amitabh Jha:
BRF's brain child Canal proposal (a 356 km long canal which will control floods and hydroplants will generate abundant electicity) has been sent by govt of Bihar to central for approval in 2009 https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjIs6FlG-ta6L-H1lbG93XLsptIXeXslbexXvYZsx2l9tYndwVvoVIiMG8S0QV4dv1lab8ekzLX3Vu42GHW-WYe_snOhAWfrRy81URQZRZKFvvk5jX8LSDI4tA5hgrleR_Bpfj-6p-Dadw/s1600/CanalProposalByBiharGovt.jpg .https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjIs6FlG-ta6L-H1lbG93XLsptIXeXslbexXvYZsx2l9tYndwVvoVIiMG8S0QV4dv1lab8ekzLX3Vu42GHW-WYe_snOhAWfrRy81URQZRZKFvvk5jX8LSDI4tA5hgrleR_Bpfj-6p-Dadw/s1600/CanalProposalByBihar
‎2.bp.blogspot.com..Yesterday at 8:37pm · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... · .

Amitabh Jha:
Bihar govt might have forgot the issue after that but we are still running a cause in support of this canal which was also covered in Hindustan https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiqcSxeJQ4APjxAbleqg6JvRtz_-kAppghexxifuaMjFpCNA77BXXe6tb79PB4AyVEfqFOn3tzLen23NGcG61jEKFdCEQvsUMsY2WZ4mAiFtNNQ2ndLHeQuixM1B_onCvDXV4ugaHcK7M4/s1600/269859_10150356371249186_802479185_9925663_7376395_n.jpg .https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiqcSxeJQ4APjxAbleqg6JvRtz_-kAppghexxifuaMjFpCNA77BXXe6tb79PB4AyVEfqFOn3tzLen23NGcG61jEKFdCEQvsUMsY2WZ4mAiFtNNQ2ndLHeQuixM1B_onCvDXV4ugaHcK7M4/s1600/269859_1015035637124
‎4.bp.blogspot.com..Yesterday at 8:37pm · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... · .

Amitabh Jha: We proposed that instead of waiting for central's approval govt can take own initiatives to dig the canal which was covered in Times of India, Patna https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgxHi4MBVPdVPbbPdPrG9vz3gqcnphcrAGAq1go_WrbSD2UYT_lu46Ex7NjwLJiqeqEzz5k6Zj3fvAoiIM-YefiGq-k8avkVt-X3KZNJIcBGm0858eHOCAbN6wxmEWvRDyWfZZ2H2QipTo/s1600/IMG_8891.JPG .https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgxHi4MBVPdVPbbPdPrG9vz3gqcnphcrAGAq1go_WrbSD2UYT_lu46Ex7NjwLJiqeqEzz5k6Zj3fvAoiIM-YefiGq-k8avkVt-X3KZNJIcBGm0858eHOCAbN6wxmEWvRDyWfZZ2H2QipTo/s1600/IMG_8891.JPG
‎2.bp.blogspot.com..Yesterday at 8:38pm · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... · .

Amitabh Jha: I have started a forum WorkInBihar to connect people who are willing to relocate. Bihar govt took 7 long years to just finalise the IT Policy which is a shame. We need to work swift to tap this opportunity to attract IT investors. I have been writing about how Bihar can be next IT hub and here is detailed analysis http://revive-bihar.blogspot.com/2011/04/why-companies-will-come-to-bihar.html ."A Common Dream A Prosperous Bihar": Why companies will come to Bihar?

Amitabh Jha:
In my posts I have apprecited government's initiatives and results where I felt it deserved. But I am not satisfied with the pace and many results. We should try to keep our eyes and mind open. Good deeds should be appreciated and shortcomings should be pointed out too. The good thing is that we are connected through a common dream for a prosperous Bihar http://amitabh-jha.blogspot.com/2011/01/blog-post_05.html .Amitabh Jha's Blog: परिचय/Introduction
amitabh-jha.blogspot.com..Yesterday at 8:41pm · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... · .

Amitabh Jha:
I wish eveyone all the best and hope that we could see dream Bihar in ous lives! Keep dreaming, keep fighting with open minds! Please join the cause http://www.causes.com/causes/584731-signature-compaign-for-356-km-long-canal-in-bihar-at-nepal-border .
Yesterday at 8:43pm · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleLoading....

Sumeet Jha:
Amitabh Jha ji...Your criticisms are welcomed but not well solicited,what you have posted is an lopsided economic analysis.The comparison of Bihar with any other state of this country at this juncture is not relative.Before drawing some inferences in respect of economic comparison i.e. in terms of GDP size one needs to do some permutations and combinations Bihar V/s other states.Even you know "Rome was not built in a day",other states of this country have already built up there economic base and Bihar is still in the takeoff stage of economic cycle.The developed states of this country have already well established economic engine such Hyderabad to A.P,Bangalore to Karnataka,Mumbai & Pune to Maharashtra,Delhi as an central economic zone for the neighboring regions in the radius of 200 kms.As far as Chandigarh is concerned it's totally created UT by Govt. of India addressing there finance(Tax Sops) and Economic concerns,Haryana is one of the best example of super beneficiary of Delhi's economic churning and benefiting its strategically proximity,Noida & Ghaziabad also falls in the same line.As far as Sikkim is concerned, without special status category the state's economic base is nowhere.Bihar unfortunately is not gifted with any economic engine which can drive the state economy,Infact the adjoining regions of Bihar have also not made any economic wonders by which Bihar can reap some benefits.Bihar is a state comprising 85 % of rural population so on those grounds also Govt. of Bihar can't generate any demographic dividends.Punjab is a stagnated economy despite of having sleuth of strong economic reforms and conducive economic environment and on the contrary Haryana GDP is still booming because of Delhi's proximity.Finally I am aware Bihar's GDP size is very minimal but whom we can blame ? But if some one is trying to recover in-spite of many odds then definetly deserves applaud.
Yesterday at 9:30pm · LikeUnlike · 4 peopleLoading....

Abhishek Kumar:
No one ever claimed that Bihar has highest GDP, all the claims were on the rate itself, and you also seem to agree that rate-wise, it is the highest state. Ab jo abhi 12 pe hai, wo to filhaal 14, fir 20, fir 30 ka hi sochega na... koi seedha 12 se 70 to nahi pahunchta hai.... raasta sahi hai .. isi pe aage badhte rehna hai to 1 din aapki kitaab me bhi Bihar zaroor number 1 hoga..... agar is dauraan sarkaar kuchh statistics highlight kar ke logo ka manobal badha rahi hai... jiski kamar 15 saalo tak todi gayi hai.... to isme itni buri baat to nahi hai koi....
Yesterday at 11:01pm · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleLoading....

Amitabh Jha:
‎Sumeet Jhaji very well said, very resonable and matured arguments! Blame game is no good, action is required. Of course we must applaud for good work but shortcomings should be escalated too. Otherwise anoher 15 years will be gone and we may have to regret again. We are lagging behind and lot of things need to be at greater pace.

I am not sure how many actually read the full blog post as there i mentioned the good work as well apart from criticising. Its good to see so many comments but probably those comments are either based only on the catchy lines with the link posted or based on the graph. the secret behind the catchy lines is that if you post appreciation everyone will likes it and comments "Jai Bihar, banta Bihar, rising Bihar etc. etc.". If you put negativity it opens the communication channel which unleashes lot of thoughts, views and prospectives. But that quite often backfires too and turns into personal attacks, character assasination or into other bitter form which I have been facing for years. Anna has truely said " "if you are working in the social field you should keep your ego aside and be able to digest insult and humiliation".

Bihar is growing as consumer. All big brands are coming here. But the product/services are manufactured outside and being sold here. Telecom sector has grown, lot of money being spent on highways, overbridges, roads and infrastructure which is good, service delivery has improved (but still not so good). I hope that things will either sustain or improve. On the other hand what good will be roads and infrastructure if there is no electricity? Floods still a problem, electricity still highly inadequate, genuine investors still shying away, precious lands are being allocated to fake investors, investors are being treated as sacrifice goat, corruption rising, newly constructed roads/bridge started to crack, nobody knows what happen to the 16,000 crore illegal withdrawal scam from the government treasury. Millions of us have migrated and helping to grow the GDP of other states by working in factories, construction, companies, entrepreneuship, driving taxis, mopping floors and so on . Significant amount of money is being spent by Bihari guardians to educate their children in other states. How can we stop this?

The real GDP will only improve when our Agriculture and Energy sector grows and subsequently the Industries. For that we need effective solution for flood management and power generation. Challenges are huge and we are decades behind. Achievements like creating IT policy in 7 long years is shameful and should not be accepted. Things need to be done at greater pace.

Again I insist that growth rate is improper attribute to compare the achivements hence the subject of this post is विकास दर एक छलावा.
Blind affection and trust often spoils the kids so Once again I pray to you all, dont be complacent, keep your eyes open and raise alarm if required. निन्दक नियरे राखिये, आँगन कुटी छबाय। बिन पानी साबुन बिना, निरमल करै सुभाय।।
22 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleLoading....

Rakesh Kumar:
I think we should concentrate more on the growth rather then fighter each other on inappropriate data.
17 hours ago · LikeUnlike.

Bhartendu Kumar Das:
Criticism is most welcome but it should not be biased and lopsided and to praise one's own self. It should appear more like an argument and less like a slogan. ..
..For example, when we talk about electricity (or the lack of it), we should talk about efforts being made in this direction, new projects, future projections and our preparedness and then, we should clearly write why the present efforts are considered less. One may also share information about gestation period generally involved in electricity projects. Merely saying that 'we lack in electricity' may not add value to our information/ knowledge... Same with other issues raised.
16 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 4 peopleLoading....

Amitabh Jha:
‎Bhartendu Kumar Dasji very well said "Merely saying that 'we lack in electricity' may not add value to our information/ knowledge... Same with other issues raised." please visit the links quoted above on the topic Canal where there is detailed description of our complete proposal is there to check flood and generate electricity. The exagerrated claims by govt makes me nervous as last year also they made some claim about growth which was criticised as even quoted source had denied those facts. This brings embarassment. So we need to be careful. Media takes a peace of information and manipulates in a way which are mislaeading sometimes. Media never quotes the source of the link. We dig the internet to get the exact source and share with public along with our views to make the information more reliable. Again I say unless we wont work on the ideas like canal, IT city the real GDP growth will not happen soon.
15 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 5 peopleLoading....

Madhav Srimohan:
After so many comments above one thing I concluded that everybody mistook Amitabh Jha.
13 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 3 peopleLoading...

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