पटना के मंदिरी मोहल्ला में बचपन गुजरा। एक साहूजी थे। उनके बारे में सुना कि एक समय था, वो बिलकुल फक्कर थे। एक बड़े साहूजी के यहाँ काम करते थे। जब पटना में बाढ़ आया तो, राहत का सामान कुछ इधर कुछ उधर कर के कुछ पूंजी जमा कर ली। अपना छोटा दुकान खोल लिया, किराने का। एक गाय खरीद लिया, दूध भी बेचते पानी के साथ। जमीन का छोटा टुकड़ा भी ले लिया और छोटा घर बना लिया एस्बेस्टस का। थोड़ा पूंजी और जमा हुआ, एस्बेस्टस निकलवा के पक्का घर। फिर एस्बेस्टस से फर्स्ट फ्लोर पर एक कमरे का घर। उसको किराये पर दे दिया। किरायेदार को दूध और किराना का भी सामान बेचते, उधारी में। कुछ समय बाद किरायेदार की शादी तय हो गयी। बोला एक कमरे में गुजर न होगा। साहूजी एस्बेस्टस का एक और कमरा बनवा दिए। फिर दो से चार कमरा हो गया कुछ समय में, दुसरे किरायेदार के लिए। फिर अपने उनका परिवार बड़ा होने लगा। तो ऊपर का एस्बेस्टस निकाल के पक्का बना दिए फर्स्ट फ्लोर को और सेकंड फ्लोर को एस्बेस्टस का बना दिए। लास्ट टाइम देखा था तो उनका घर चार फ्लोर पक्का था और पांचवा फ्लोर एस्बेस्टस का। दुकान भी बड़ा हो गया था और गाय की संख्या भी बढ़ गयी थी।
आज मैं सॉफ्टवेर आर्किटेक्ट हूँ। दस साल में कितने सारे प्रोजेक्ट की। सारे प्रोजेक्ट साहूजी के घर का मॉडल, एकदम अजायल!
और ये मॉडल पूरा पटना और पूरा इंडिया में मिलेगा।
ध्यान देने योग्य बात है कि साहूजी का घर साढ़े चार तल्ले तक खीच पाया क्योंकि नींव मजबूत होगा। सो प्रयास होना चाहिए कि नींव मजबूत हो।
- अमिताभ रंजन झा
I grew up at Mandiri area in Patna. There used to be a Sahuji. Sahuji is a word used for person belonging to business community. There was a time when he was pennyless. He used to work at a rich Sahuji's shop. Then came the big flood in Patna during seventies. He could manage to earn some capital by doing monkey business with flood relief packages. In short, as soon as the relief bags were dropped he could grab them and then hide them. Later he used to sell and earn money.
With the money he could open a small grocery shop. Also he bought a piece of land and constructed a small house with Asbestos roof. Slowly his capital grew. He removed the Asbestos and moulded his house roof with concrete. And he constructed one room house with asbestos on first floor and given it for rent. Also he offered grocery to the renter and others on monthly credit. After sometime, the renter got engaged with a girl. He said, one room is insufficient. So Sahuji constructed one more room for him. Later he constructed more rooms and gave for rent too. Time came when his family also became bigger. He made the second floor concrete and moved asbestos to third floor. Last time when I saw, his house was having four concrete floors and an asbestos flat on top.
Today, I am a software Architect. In last decade, I have delivered many projects. Interestingly all the projects I have done followed the Sahuji's house model, pure Agile!
You will find this model in whole Patna and in every corner of India.
Agile Patna, Agile India!
One thing need to be noticed that Sahuji's house could be extended to four and half storeys because the foundation was strong.
Moral: Work on basics and make the foundation strong!
Wiki - Agile:
Agile software development is a group of software development methods based on iterative and incremental development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams. It promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development and delivery, a time-boxed iterative approach, and encourages rapid and flexible response to change. It is a conceptual framework that promotes foreseen interactions throughout the development cycle. The Agile Manifesto[1] introduced the term in 2001.
आज मैं सॉफ्टवेर आर्किटेक्ट हूँ। दस साल में कितने सारे प्रोजेक्ट की। सारे प्रोजेक्ट साहूजी के घर का मॉडल, एकदम अजायल!
और ये मॉडल पूरा पटना और पूरा इंडिया में मिलेगा।
ध्यान देने योग्य बात है कि साहूजी का घर साढ़े चार तल्ले तक खीच पाया क्योंकि नींव मजबूत होगा। सो प्रयास होना चाहिए कि नींव मजबूत हो।
- अमिताभ रंजन झा
I grew up at Mandiri area in Patna. There used to be a Sahuji. Sahuji is a word used for person belonging to business community. There was a time when he was pennyless. He used to work at a rich Sahuji's shop. Then came the big flood in Patna during seventies. He could manage to earn some capital by doing monkey business with flood relief packages. In short, as soon as the relief bags were dropped he could grab them and then hide them. Later he used to sell and earn money.
With the money he could open a small grocery shop. Also he bought a piece of land and constructed a small house with Asbestos roof. Slowly his capital grew. He removed the Asbestos and moulded his house roof with concrete. And he constructed one room house with asbestos on first floor and given it for rent. Also he offered grocery to the renter and others on monthly credit. After sometime, the renter got engaged with a girl. He said, one room is insufficient. So Sahuji constructed one more room for him. Later he constructed more rooms and gave for rent too. Time came when his family also became bigger. He made the second floor concrete and moved asbestos to third floor. Last time when I saw, his house was having four concrete floors and an asbestos flat on top.
Today, I am a software Architect. In last decade, I have delivered many projects. Interestingly all the projects I have done followed the Sahuji's house model, pure Agile!
You will find this model in whole Patna and in every corner of India.
Agile Patna, Agile India!
One thing need to be noticed that Sahuji's house could be extended to four and half storeys because the foundation was strong.
Moral: Work on basics and make the foundation strong!
Wiki - Agile:
Agile software development is a group of software development methods based on iterative and incremental development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams. It promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development and delivery, a time-boxed iterative approach, and encourages rapid and flexible response to change. It is a conceptual framework that promotes foreseen interactions throughout the development cycle. The Agile Manifesto[1] introduced the term in 2001.